ITHACA, N.Y. — It’s hard to keep up on every headline throughout the week which is why we bring you our week in review every Monday morning. If you would like this delivered to your email inbox so you can start your week with local news, you can sign up for the newsletter on the side of this page.

This week in brief: Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick unveiled the proposed 2019 budget. We have an initial breakdown of some of the highlights, plus some fact checking on how the budget will impact homeowners’ tax bills. Crime stories are always a big draw, so we’ve got a recap of some of the incidents local police responded to. On Thursday, we waited alongside local officials who greeted the first flight from Washington, D.C., a new flight to the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport. You can also read up on lead contamination by Ithaca Falls, learn about whether it will be a vibrant year for fall foliage, and discover a new workshop featuring an old craft.

Last Week’s Most-Read Stories

1 — 49 people were caught with fake IDs at local bars
In an effort to crack down on underage drinking at the start of the fall semester, several agencies including the Ithaca Police Department, investigated local bars. They found 34 people at Moonies with fake driver’s licenses or IDs that didn’t belong to them, and 14 people at Silky Jones on the Ithaca Commons. One person was caught at a local restaurant.

2 — Local crime roundup
It’s no secret that crime-related stories are typically the most-read articles any given week. Here’s a quick look at incidents readers were interested in last week:

3 — First Washington, D.C., flight gets warm welcome in Ithaca
The first United Airlines flight from Washington, D.C., touched down at the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport on Thursday. The new route includes two daily trips between Ithaca and the mid-Atlantic hub. Passengers disembarking off the first flight got a celebrity-like welcome.

United flight from Dulles lands at Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (Devon Magliozzi/The Ithaca Voice)

Mapping Fall Foliage

Because we love fall, trees and data, we decided to create a map that shows what color trees will likely become around the City of Ithaca. You can explore the map and help us fact check it. Learn more about the project and why it’s so tricky to predict how colorful a year it will be for city trees versus local forests.

Quick news bites

  • Despite repeated cleanup efforts, lead remains at Ithaca Falls, drifting down from the highly contaminated former gun factory above. What’s the status of cleanup? Are city and state officials doing enough? Here’s an update.
  • Ithaca has made the list of most-scenic East Coast cities. We think that’s a stretch — for the coastal city designation, not the scenic part — but we’re happy to hear convincing arguments otherwise.
  • The City of Ithaca has officially entered budget season. Funding for streets is clearly a priority for 2019, and also notably, despite a push from police, no money has been allocated for additional officers.
  • Winter is on the way and what better way to prepare than stocking up on “new” books? The Friends of the Library semiannual book sale has returned. The sale goes until Oct. 23.

Local resident offers hands-on workshop for old craft

Elaan Greenfield stands in her workshop with her dog, Frankie. (Photo by Kelsey O’Connor/The Ithaca Voice)
Elaan Greenfield stands in her workshop with her dog, Frankie. (Photo by Kelsey O’Connor/The Ithaca Voice)

Tucked into the South Hill Business Campus is a new workshop that will offer a creative and educational space for local residents to test out or hone their skills in metalsmithing. Founded and led by Elaan Greenfield, of Ithaca, the recently launched Metal Smithery will offer regular classes and work space.

“I really, really love the process, which is one of the reasons why I really like teaching and really like giving the opportunity for people to learn because I think it’s an art form that you can learn and then you can really go with what you want to do. There’s just endless opportunities,” Greenfield said.

Featured image: Visitors sit by Ithaca Falls. Despite repeated clean up efforts, the area still remains contaminated. (Kelsey O’Connor/The Ithaca Voice)

Kelsey O'Connor is the managing editor for the Ithaca Voice. Questions? Story tips? Contact her at and follow her on Twitter @bykelseyoconnor.